Consollusso Travel offer a personally selected, individually curated, selection of chalets, hotels and chalet apartments of a standard appreciated by those who value the finer details in luxury travel.

Personal Consultancy
We advise and arrange your perfect holiday. Based on the criteria you give us we will suggest the best options to you from our intimate knowledge of the properties, all of which we have personally viewed and inspected.
Complete Transparency
The prices Consollusso Travel quote you are the same as advertised by the operator. We work on a referral fee from the operator. There is no fee charged by us to our clients. All payments are made directly to the operators.
Unbiased Independent Advice
Consollusso Travel are independent and as such offer advice to our clients based on our knowledge. No ‘high pressure’ sales talk, just honest appraisals of each property. Our mission is to find you the ultimate vacation in Zermatt!

Nikki, Consollusso Travels’ Founder, first came to Zermatt in 2010 for a quick much needed break from her busy Marketing and PR consultancy business in the UK. Having totally fallen in love with Zermatt she decided to stay. Initially working as Marketing Manager for Zermatt’s award-winning high-end luxury chalet company, she decided to set up a Marketing and PR business, Consollusso GmbH, with her partner Richard; focusing on marketing for luxury hospitality businesses. The natural progression to ‘Consollusso Travel’ came after the realisation that both her and Richard’s knowledge could be shared with the many who wish to find the perfect hideaway in Zermatt.

Nikki Grimes Consollusso Travel
Nikki Grimes – Consollusso Travel

Nikki has has lived and worked in Zermatt over the last 11 years, working closely with many other operators. Today, she devotes her time to deepening her knowledge of the many new and beautiful properties in Zermatt and of the luxury travel sector in general, also offering her time to Condé Nast Johansens as the Local Expert and hotel inspector for Switzerland.

We personally know all the properties & operators featured on our site.

Consollusso Travel have the local Zermatt knowledge!

Zermatt in SUMMER – 5 things to do!

SUMMER SKI! Didn’t get enough of the white stuff in winter? Then Zermatt can answer your...
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Zermatt - A beautiful, alpine village in Switzerland

ZERMATT – The Winter Wonderland

Zermatt. Where to start? The village stole my heart within hours of first arriving, 10 years ago. I...
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